December 24, 2019 What is a Typika?
(Revised Nov. 1, 2021)
Typika (typika is the plural of typikon but it is frequently referred to as typika) service is an abbreviated Vespers with presanctified gifts. Attendance at a Typika service fulfills your Sunday obligation. Holy communion is distributed as part of this service.
Fr. Deacon Fred Abboud will celebrate Typika in the event that Father Daniel Lenz is unavailable for a Divine Liturgy.
We celebrated Typika on a weekly basis starting in October 2016 to August 2017 when Fr. Deacon George Butterfield was living in Omaha. Following his move to Oklahoma, weekly Typika were stopped and replaced with monthly Divine Liturgies in Omaha/Ralston and Lincoln.
We resumed Typika on Christmas Eve, December 24, 2019 at St. Gerald Chapel in Ralston. Whenever possible, we alternate Divine Liturgy and Typika. Our liturgical schedule is announced through our omahalincolnbyzantine mailing list and the Liturgy Schedule on this web site.
We currently do not have any liturgies scheduled for St. George in Lincoln. This is due to interested people moving out of Lincoln. We plan to test streaming of liturgies that are celebrated at St. Gerald Chapel in Ralston. If this succeeds we will announce regular streaming of liturgies at a later date.
Feel free to contact me if you want to be added to the omahalincolnbyzantine mailing list.
Bill Mihalo