
Glory to Jesus Christ!
Thank you for visiting the Omaha Byzantine Catholic Community. We hope that our site highlights the beauty of the Catholic Faith - particularly the Eastern lung of the Church. Please feel free to read more about our community on this site, or come experience the Divine Liturgy. We would love to greet you and share with you our love for Jesus Christ and His mystical body, the Church. Please contact us if you would like to know more, or get involved.
Our Divine Liturgies and Typikas are scheduled for Saturdays at 4 PM at St. Gerald Chapel, 7857 Lakeview St, Ralston, NE 68127. These services fulfill your Sunday obligation whether you are Byzantine or Roman Catholic.
All of our liturgies are sung in English.
We hope that you can join us!
Date Type of Liturgy
Date Type of Liturgy
2/1 Divine Liturgy (Father Daniel Lenz Celebrant)
2/8 Divine Liturgy (Father Michael Lee Celebrant)
2/15 Divine Liturgy (Father Daniel Lenz Celebrant)
2/22 Typika
3/1 Divine Liturgy (Sunday before the Great Fast, Father Daniel Lenz Celebrant)
3/8 Divine Liturgy (Father Michael Lee Celebrant)
3/15 Divine Liturgy (Father Lenz Celebrant)
3/22 Typika
3/29 Divine Liturgy (Father Lenz Celebrant)
4/5 Divine Liturgy (Father Michael Lee Celebrant)
4/12 Divine Liturgy (Palm Sunday, Father Daniel Lenz Celebrant)
4/19 Divine Liturgy (Pascha or Easter Vigil, Father Daniel Lenz Celebrant)
4/26 Typika
If we have inclement weather or a power outage in Ralston, we may cancel liturgy. If this happens, we plan to post a cancellation notice on this website. If you are on our mailing list, we will send you an email regarding the cancellation. If you send us your phone number, we will send you a text message regarding cancellation of Liturgy. ​
We hope that you can join us!

All-merciful Virgin Theotokos, Mother of compassions and love for mankind, my most beloved hope and aspiration!
Our mission is to share God's love made known to us through the gift of His Church. We strive to be open to the divine life which Jesus wishes to give to us through the re-presentation of His once-for-all sacrifice. Through lives of charity, powered by heavenly liturgical worship imbued with God's mercy, we seek to bring the good news of Jesus Christ to all in eastern Nebraska and western Iowa. The Byzantine Catholic Church is aligned with Rome and all Catholics are invited to visit and freely take communion with us.

Our worship dates
back to the Apostle
James, first bishop
of Jerusalem. The
Liturgy offers a
deep sense of peace, reverence and continuity. There are several forms of the Divine Liturgy.
The Liturgy of Saint John Chrysostom is celebrated throughout most of the year. The Liturgy of Saint Basil the Great is celebrated ten times each year.